Dani Reyes-Acosta
Contributing Writer
Treeline contributing author Dani Reyes-Acosta skiing Canadian powder. Photo by Carly Finke AKA @carlyfinke
Once Dani Reyes-Acosta left cushy corporate life to find her way back to her Latina-API roots, she ticked rock climbs and ski lines across Argentina, Chile, Canada, and the USA on a circuitous path to self-determination—finding, in the process, her calling to advocate for a just transition and "everyone outside."
As a storyteller, professional athlete, and strategic advisor, she’s rewriting the narrative of who plays outside and how we build community with others on this planet.
Find her online as @NotLostJustDiscovering or via DaniReyesAcosta.com
For the last decade, I’ve dedicated my heart and soul evermore to work that closes the gap between us, as humans, and nature. I’ve traveled around the world (and across the USA) building my craft as a backcountry adventurer at the same time as I’ve built a values-led narrative strategy consultancy—and for that, I am grateful. I’ve learned that community and the land are the cornerstones of mi forma de ser, my way of being.
Spending as many nights toiling over brand guides and building PowerPoint decks as I have off-the-grid in the alpine or the desert, I am who I am because of my experiences as a multiracial, multilingual women pursuing adventure around the world—and I wouldn’t trade anything for the journey I’ve taken. It hasn’t always been easy as a Mexican/Latina/Mestiza and API (Filipina and Chinese) woman traveling in big open spaces, but that’s exactly why I keep going: coming from a lineage of mujeres guerreras, warrior women, reminds me that I am the embodiment of my ancestors’ dreams.
My work—as a storyteller, athlete, and advocate—reexamines the meaning of play, social responsibility, and care for the Commons. In my own journey as well as in the stories I share, I seek to embrace adversity in the name of building resilience at the same time as cultivating community.
The outdoors are great, and they always will be. But the way we treat them, as much as each other, determines whether we’ll be one of the species to survive the Sixth Mass Extinction.
My projects often explore intersectional identity in the outdoors: follow along via ….[LINKS BELOW]
Website: https://danireyesacosta.com/
Other social media (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc.):