How to Clean, Wash, Repair, and Maintain Outdoor Gear
Expert advice on how to care for tents, technical jackets and outer wear, and fix the most common gear failures. Do it Yourself gear repair can help you get the most life of out of your outdoor gear, reduce the amount of money you spend on gear, and make the most if your investment in high quality gear.
Some zippers are a quick fix, needing simple cleaning, lubrication, and pliers. Whether you have an issue with your backpack, tent, or jacket, zipper replacement and repair is an easy outdoor gear skill that can help extend the life of your gear.
Properly caring for GORE-TEX and other shells can extend their life from 10-20 years! These cleaning instructions give details on machine washing with warm water, stain treating, liquid detergent, reproofing DWR treatments, and patch repair.
Don’t forget your patch and repair kit at home! Learn about quick fixes for your tent with our guide. With these tips on tent maintenance and repair, you’ll be prepped for the season and able to make your backcountry dwelling last as long as you can.
Remove odors and feel warmer with Do-It-Yourself step-by-step instructions for cleaning a down sleeping bag or down backpacking quilt or synthetic camping sleeping bag.
An ultra-lofty down jacket is a luxury item in the outdoors. An item this essential and well-loved should be cared for so it’ll last for as many adventures as possible. Here are some tips on how to clean, wash, dry, and repair your down jacket.
Extend the lifespan of your backpacking or camping tent with our tips for cleaning and inspecting your tent before your next trip.