how to thru-hike

how to get started thru-hiking

thruhikers on the cdt

Everyone belongs on a long trail! These guides are written to give more hikers access to the information to thru-hike safely and responsibly. From how-to guides to beginner-friendly gear lists and training plans, these articles will get you ready for your thru-hike with fun and style.

Be sure to check out our free trail gear lists and guides.



We have an excellent series on thru hiking skills:

How Not to Die on a Thru-Hike: Safety tips for first-time thru-hikers and long-distance hikers, backpackers new to distance hiking, and experienced thru-hikers tackling a new kind of trail

How to Train for a Thru-Hike: Everything you need to know in order to physically and mentally prepare your body and self for a long-distance hike…and why training matters.

How to Hike as an LGBTQIA+ Person: Six LGBTQIA+ thru-hikers share advice on motivation, safety, and being queer outdoors to get you inspired to backpack a long trail.

How to Thru-Hike Over 60 Years Old: Five thru-hikers age 60+ share advice on gear, training, nutrition, injury, recovery and motivation.

Snow Skills for Thru-Hikers: Tips for navigating the snow in Colorado’s San Juan mountains.

Thru-hiking Food: What I Eat on a Long Trail: Four thru-hikers share what they eat on a backpacking trail. Meal planning, resupply, dehydrated recipes, stoves and cold soaking for omni, vegetarian, and vegans.

A Thru-Hikers Guide to Hitchhiking: Learn how to hitchhike with 42 tips from thru-hikers.

How to Ford a River: Safety tips for crossing rivers and creeks while thru-hiking.

How to Take Care of Your Feet on a Thru Hike: Our best tips on preventative foot care.

Thru Hiking Risk Assessment and Decision Making: Risk assessment and decision making tips and advice for thru-hikers in a high snow year.

Thru Hiking in a Big Snow Year: Thru-hikers share their safety and gear tips for hiking in big snow years.

How to Maintain Fitness After a Thru-Hike: Learn essential skills for maintaining a good fitness base so you are ready for anything, before or after long periods on trail.

How to Pack a Backpacking Backpack: Balance weight and maximize comfort.

How to Choose a Backpacking Backpack: How to fit and find the best pack for you.

How to Support a Thru-Hiker: Read this and share it with the person who will be supporting your thru-hike.

Thru-hiking Resupply and Nutrition Tips: Learn how to take care of your nutritional needs, prepare resupply boxes, and other fuel-related tips for your thru-hike.

How to Afford a Thru-hike: Tips for saving and budgeting for a long hike.