Treeline Review Reviews Treeline
Treeline Review helps you see the trees from the forest when it comes to outdoor gear
April 1st, 2024
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Treeline Review is an outdoor gear review website built on the idea that when you're hiking, biking, climbing, or hanging out above treeline, you get a better perspective. When lost outdoors (or temporarily misplaced), getting above the trees gives you a vantage point to make wiser and better informed decisions. We hope that Treeline Review helps you see the trees from the forest when it comes to outdoor gear.
But apparently, we weren't the only brand that thought treeline is a great place to be.
So this year, we decided to review every item we could get our hands on that had the audacity to also name themselves "treeline."
Here are the best treeline outdoor gear items…as reviewed by Treeline Review.
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Treeline Nut Cheese
I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, land of Laverne and Shirley, cold beer, and perhaps most of all, cheese. Raised on a steady diet of curds and casseroles, I am nothing if not a full-blown dairy aficionado. If it were at all physiologically possible, my veins would pulse with mozzarella.
I went into this taste test, then, with some trepidation. Treeline Cheesemakers, based in New York’s Hudson Valley, isn’t in the business of bovine pleasures, but rather, nut-based alternatives (their packaging states, “No animals were milked in the making of this cheese.”) A disappointment to hard-core dairyvores, but I am, if nothing, an optimist.
Thus I peeled back the lid on a small tub of their French-Style Cashew Cheese in the Herb Garlic flavorway. A quick sniff revealed that it smelled like the real stuff! Excited, I grabbed a knife and slid through the “cheese” with relative ease (the consistency is something of a gritty mousse), then spread it on a cracker. Like a curious child or perhaps a cat, I gave it a lick. First impression? Tang. Second impression? Well, honestly—tang. The ingredient list includes lemon, pepper, and oregano, among other all-pronounceable things, and I’d venture to guess they went a little hard on the citrus here. But honestly? I gave up on the knife and just kept plowing crackers into the stuff until I’d polished off a quarter of the tub. It’s creamy, it’s mushy, it doesn’t taste like sweatsocks—and that’s good enough for me.
— Shawnté Salabert, Treeline Review contributing writer
Darn Tough Treeline Microcrew socks
Nothing makes you dream of being at treeline when you’re not anywhere close like the Treeline socks.
You know that feeling when you find yourself at the beach daydreaming about the mountains? When those salted mountain blues hit, there’s no better way to appease the heart than putting on that familiar close knit cushy-wooly Treeline Micro Crew Hiking Socks.
Just looking at that sharp Treeline on merino transports the soul back to those challenging summits where one could see the treetops below while kicking off that hiking shoe for that timeless odorless-stink woolen sock feet scent. Even if those ocean waves are hitting you hard, that moisture will get wicked-in (or out?) reminiscent of the not-even-that-sweaty feels inside one’s boots during a darn tough hike. And have I mentioned they’ll add extra support for that direct-to-sand impact?
They’re a 10/10 yes/yes. From pounding elevation and distance to pounding waves, this sock is a staple of a hiker’s heart and feet in all terrains. The only question is, where will you test yours next?
— Gabaccia Moreno, Treeline Review contributing author
Editor's note: The men's version of this sock looks the same but is called the #2 Sock. Except it has a small image of an outhouse with a rocket on it. Must be sock designer humor!
The Trelino Evo composting toilet in a place where the trees are cacti.
Okay, hear me out. I was scanning the web for products named “Treeline” while camping in the Tonto National Forest. I really had to go to the bathroom. But this was a fragile desert ecosystem, and I thought I could hold it a little longer until I left for the pit toilet a mile away. I guess I had to go pretty bad, though.
So some wires got crossed. Some letters got mixed around. I swear this awesome little portable toilet that doesn’t require water or chemicals and doesn’t stink was named Treeline. But when it arrived the following week, it was a T-R-E-L-I-N-O portable composting toilet!
Fortunately for my career with words, I’ve had no more near-anagram mixups since having the Trelino Evo Composting Toilet around. I can adhere to Leave No Trace best practices when camping in remote areas without a pit toilet, and I don’t have to worry about embarrassing mixups like this. What kind of writer reads Trelino as Treeline, seriously?
— Sam Schild, Treeline Review contributing author
Sunski Treeline sunglasses have side shields to keep branches out of your eyes while bushwhacking above treeline.
The Sunski Treeline polarized sunglasses are designed to reduce glare when you're, well, above treeline. We find the name fitting as without the forest, you don't get the benefit of shade. These sunglasses are designed for 360-degree protection of your eyes. Unlike most sunglasses out there, it's got magnetic, perforated side shields. These keep the sun from popping in through the side of your glasses.
Those handy side shields also keep out wind, sand, and snow, making them a good option for desert hikes or backcountry skiing…above treeline. It effectively makes them a low-profile, convertible and versatile pair of glacier or ski goggles. Best yet, it's made from a proprietary Superlight recycled plastic resin, diverted from a landfill in Illinois.
I admit the side shields (which, again, are removable) look dorky for casual use. But while bushwhacking, biking in the wind, and hiking in the desert, I saw the benefit of this old-school sunglasses design. Plus, how many people am I going to run into above the treeline, anyway?
— Liz Thomas, Treeline Review Editor-in-Chief
Rabbit Treeline Running Jacket
Testing the Rabbit Treeline running jacket above treeline.
The Rabbit Treeline is a lightweight windproof and waterproof running jacket inspired by the UTMB trail races. Made with 66% nylon and 34% polyurethane, this jacket boasts a 10K+ waterproof rating and Moisture Vapour Permeability (breathability) rating. It also has an adjustable scuba hood, roomy chest pocket, elastic cuffs and hem, and packs down small into the chest pocket.
Another thing to love about Rabbit apparel is the story behind the company. Founded by Jill Deering and Monica DeVreese, Rabbit was born from a desire for running clothes to actually be designed with women in mind (beginning with shorts that “fit, feel, and look amazing”).
Thoughtfully-designed running apparel is an obvious goal of the Treeline jacket. It kept me dry during a particularly wet snowfall at 11,000’ (above treeline, you might say) and felt comfortable over my base layers. But my favorite thing about this jacket? It’s got to be the name.
— Becca Downs, Contributing Writer and Editor
Black Diamond Treeline Rain Shell
There are lots of lines in the Treeline Rain Shell from Black Diamond, a hem line (hah), stitch lines (seam-sealed, of course), a lining. There’s also fabric in this wonderful, well-loved, inexpensive rain shell from Black Diamond. The PFC-free 2.5 layer shell uses Black Diamond’s BD.Dry bluesign-approved materials.
Like a leaf at tree-line it breathes well and like hanging under leaves in a tree it’ll keep you from getting wet, but it works better than leaves on a tree. We like that it has an extra back vent, too, boosting its breathability and making it less like wearing a trash bag in a storm, like too many less expensive rain jackets do—something we don’t like. We also like that it’s got good sustainability bonafides because it uses bluesign-approved materials.
We like that Treeline and bluesign rhyme, too. So, with the Treeline Rain Shell from Black Diamond, in a rainstorm, under a tree, you can make like a leaf and leave—and not worry about getting wet.
— Chris Meehan, Treeline Review contributing writer
The treeline is where growing trees reach their limits but there’s no limit to what you can do in these socks.
I was so stoked when I found these SockGuy Treeline socks and read this on their website: "The treeline is where growing trees reach their limit, but there’s no limit to what you can do in these hawaii blue and brown wool performance crew socks with a forest silhouette."
I thought – finally! Socks that give me unlimited powers! I will float up a mountain or cross a river with ease! My feet will never be tired or blistered again!
Yeah, no. They're just socks made out of itch-free merino wool and spandex and stuff. No magical powers. Moisture wicking too. Mesh upper for airflow. Really cool treeline design. Machine washable on warm AND machine dryable AND shrink resistant. Not too thick, not too thin. Nice and stretchy.
But no. magical. powers.
However! They keep your feet warm in winter and cool in summer—which I guess is its own kind of magic!
— Naomi Hudetz, Treeline Review Founder and Chief Operating Officer
Treeline Coffee roasters is a women-run coffee shop in Montana.
10/10 could not recommend — I was ready to taste the trees, and how wrong was I! Instead, the so-called “Treeline” Coffee Roasters from the heart of Montana packaged up rich, smooth, fragrant coffee that actually dared to wake me up with strong caffeination after a long night of staring up at the stars surrounded by mountain ridges and gurgling rivers. (Horrible place to sleep, 11/10 would not recommend sleeping anywhere but under heavy, dull, bland roofs.) Happy Camper blend, indeed; I certainly didn’t want to be reminded of buttery graham crackers, melty marshmallows, or smooth milk chocolate while I stared out from my sleeping bag, slurping away at this bean juice, watching the sun wiggle its way over snow-dusted peaks in the Wind River Range. In my professional capacity as Unofficial Treeline Review (Assistant to the) Coffee Sipper, I can officially say: you should not pack these delightful, delicious, sustainably-grown pour-over coffee packets for your next adventure in a gorgeous place. It won’t taste like trees at all.
— Josette Deschambeualt, Treeline Review contributing writer
Above Treeline Soap by Hawk Soap
Do you ever long for that refreshing feeling of being above Treeline and in urgent need of a desperate hiker trash bath and taking a brain freezing dip in an ice free alpine pond? Do you miss that delicious feeling of balancing on the bouldery shore while scrubbing off the grime in the shivering wind with lichen, moss, sand, gravel and willow leaves?
I too missed it. Then I discovered Hawk Soap Company's “Above Treeline Soap.” For the lowly sum of 8 bucks I now celebrate feel that high country exhilaration right at home with a cold shower, a fan and “a luxurious soap” reminiscent of an agate bottomed lake bed, full of activated charcoal and aloe, good for “hair, body and face,” that will leaves me smelling as sweet as the vast tundra itself.
And I don’t pollute pristine lakes and endanger no rare flora and fauna in the process.
Hey ho! Tree Line soap!
— Dean Krakel, Treeline Review contributing writer